A project close to csDishaa Foundation to empower the woman, its related to women security or their economic sustainability, gender discrimination, brutal gang rapes, violence against women, harassment and assortment of others. Education, economic independence and health & safety are the areas, where stress needs to be given but above all is awareness. To truly understand what women empowerment is, there needs to be a sea-change in the mind-set of the people in the country. Not just the women themselves, but the men have to wake up to a world that is moving towards equality and equity. It is better that this is embraced earlier rather than later, for our own good.
We run awareness programs and camps to empower women who are the core of our existence. Domestic violence, female foeticide, disparity and illiteracy have humiliated our civilization. Under the leadership of Dr. Uditaa Tyagi, who is an educationist, social worker and philanthropist, we have been organizing various vocational training programs for women from weaker sections of the society. Through our collaborations with many leading corporate, public and especially government sector bodies like skill council of India, csDishaa imparts comprehensive training to women. Projects like ‘Kaaliyan’ are solely focused on primary education of girls. These programs help them discover their potential, and encourage them to become independent.